Monday, March 22, 2010

Snow ... in MARCH!

It was a big surprise to everyone yesterday morning to look out the window and see snow flakes falling. Just two days ago, I was sitting on the driveway soaking up some sun on a beautiful 60+ degree day.

Everyone had a different reaction to the snow. Luis was thrilled to put on his snow clothes (which I really didn't think he'd get the opportunity to wear again!) and head out to play.Ashley, always up for an adventure, was happy to frolick for a bit, before retiring back inside to the warmth of her bed.
Diego, who has taken on the brunt of the "snow play" duty this winter season, was most interested in staying in the house, staying warm and drinking coffee.
Luis enjoyed his usual round of activities, using his little rake to clean off all the flat surfaces in the back yard. This nice thing was, this time around, Luis was properly outfitted in snow bibs, long john (pants) and proper gloves. To be honest, I'm not sure if he really appreciated the difference, but I did.

As a testament to how caught off guard we all were by this brief snow, you cans some shocked tulips and daffodils from the neighbors yard. (They weathered this storm, literally, without a casualty, and looked beautiful for a couple more weeks!)

Not surprisingly, the snow did not last long. We went out to get some lunch, leaving snow on the ground. When we returned 90 minutes later, it was all gone!

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