Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Update on Luis

Luis is doing great. He is still a happy, easy-going baby. He smiles often - his whole face lighting up. It's such a joy! We've had extremely nice weather this last week. I've tried to take advantage of it and do the "spring clean-up" in the back yard. Luis has been very cooperative. Two days this week, after waking from his nap, he's come and sat outside in the bouncy chair and allowed me to spend another 45-60 minutes doing yard work.

He is working on a new trick: Giggling. He had a tentative giggle on Friday afternoon. Then yesterday, he had real belly-laugh. I'm not really sure what prompted either and I've had no luck getting him to repeat himself. It's really a hoot to hear.

A side note: as Luis seems to be a little bigger every minute, he has graduated to the next bigger bouncy-seat (courtesy of his aunt in New Haven). He loves this bouncy-seat as evidenced above that he'll sit in it for 45 minutes at a stretch.

Another side note: despite that strangers ALWAYS comment on how much hair Luis has, he has now lost almost all of the hair he was born with (check out pictures from just after his birth). He has one or two solid patches on the back - which are almost never seen. I'm curious as to when he'll start to grow some back.

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