Sunday, April 15, 2007


Liz & Shirley were visiting with JF today, and Luis and I had a very nice, quiet Saturday together. The weather was cold and rainy, so we enjoyed inside games together.

Here, Luis is practicing his rapper pose. In all honesty, he had been lifting up his legs and grabbing his feet. Of course, when I actually aimed the camera at him to capture this, he changed his look completely.

After the not-quite-successful sit in the bumbo seat, Luis has been practicing, and is getting more stable in it. To me, Luis's expression is saying, "but what does this thing DO?"
Luis is taking to the concept of sitting up rather well. I like to sit on the couch, with my feet on the living room table and lay Luis on my thighs. The last couple of times I've done that, he has squirmed and squirmed until I pulled him into a sitting position - then he sat peacefully, as if to say, "thank you, this is much more comfortable."

And finally, my favorite - the smile from the baby gym. It's still a very popular toy with Luis. He now will grab at specific toys instead of just batting them around. In fact, he likes to try to put the giraffe's feet IN his mouth. Luckily, they don't quite reach that far...

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