Friday, July 13, 2007

A Great Day

Luis had a fantastic day today. For his mid-morning snack he had (homemade) apple sauce - after twice all-but-refusing apples. Not only did he eat it, he devoured every bite. Thanks, Jules for making it! He also delved into the Mixed Grain cereals - which he also seemed to enjoy. Then, after several miserable attempts to drink from the sippy cup, he did so very casually (and successfully).

We had lunch with JF at the sushi place we like so much and Luis (mostly) chilled out in the stroller and watched us eat. Jules offered to let him try wasabi, but I declined. Maybe in a few more years...

Tonight, Luis enjoyed some pureed zucchini & oatmeal, some pureed butternut squash, and (a lot) of mixed grain cereal. He then, again, drank nicely from the sippy cup. I realize that at any point in time he can, and probably will regress to completely refusing to put the sippy cup within 5" of his mouth ... but I'm enjoying where we are now.

After dinner, we all went for a 30 minute constitutional around the neighborhood. It was then bath time, a little nightcap of breast milk and off to bed. Luis was such a delight all day that it makes me excited to see him again in the morning. Can tomorrow be as nice???

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He's grown so much! Seeing new photos of the family makes my day :D