Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Climbing, Flour & Ashley

Luis is climbing - or trying to climb more and more things these days. Here, he has climbed onto the coffee table. So far, he hasn't tried to climb out of the crib, though I suspect it's only a matter of time. He can't quite get himself up on the beds or the couches, though he certainly gives it the old college try. His newest mobility trick (though I don't have a picture) is turning in circles. Diego taught him that one. And he loves it. He can make about 3 or 4 rotations before he gets dizzy and plops over.
I'm not a big sand person. And just as well, we wouldn't be able to have a sandbox here in our apartment. But the closest thing I could come up with for a substitute was a Flour Box. I bought a 5kg bag of flour (called Atta around here) and filled up the biggest Tupperware box I had. I gave Luis a couple of kitchen gadgets (a tea sifter, a potato masher, and a plastic spoon). He LOVES it. Well, the Flour Box isn't as popular as the pool, but it gets a lot of use. In fact often Luis will go straight from the Flour Box into the pool. And, of course, sweeping up the flour at the end is almost the most fun.

Luis likes to play with Tupperware containers - as much when they are empty and come out of the drawer as when they contain Ashely's food and/or water. Usually, he likes to play with Ashley's water. But on Friday, he hijacked her food bowl and then fed her the kibble, piece by piece. Ashley had not taken much of an interest in the food until Luis did. Then, she dutifully ate every piece he handed her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can I has kibbul? iz adorabuls!!!!