Friday, April 18, 2008


A couple of weeks ago, Luis's hair had gotten pretty long (and curly). Diego wanted to give him a short haircut, but I loved the curls. We compromised with a short on the sides & back, long on the top cut, which I thought was VERY CUTE.

I'm still not really sure why, but yesterday morning after breakfast, I gave Luis a short-allover cut. The curls are gone and I'm a bit sad. I know that the curls will come back, if we let his hair grow (which I will).
But I was also a bit surprised at how much the shape of his face has changed since his last short-allover hair cut...
(Feb 8, 2008)

1 comment:

Mercedes said...

Gracias, muchas gracias por contarme sobre todo lo que aprende Luis Tomás y sobre su desarrollo, !que lindo y grande que se ve! quisiera tenerlo cerca para darle mucha ternura y amor de su abuela. Abrazos para ustedes tres, con mucho amor de Mercedes.