Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some Like it Hot (but not me)

In the last week, the weather has made a strong turn - more heat, less wind, more humidity. In short - more unpleasant. I find the heat almost unbearable. One of the things I used to really like about life here was all of the walking I could do: I walked to the market, walked to friends' houses and walked (with Ashley & Luis) along the promenade. Now, I barely want to walk out the door! As you can see from this picture, it was 96.4 degrees outside at 4:00p yesterday.

I know that it will get worse - even more heat, even less wind, even more humidity - in the next two months (until the rains come mid-June). Unfortunately, because I know I'm leaving, I'm not sure I can steel myself up for this kind of weather. I fear that I'll be spending A LOT of time inside over the next four weeks...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh dear :(
Hopefully it will be cooler in the mountains....
Thank you for suggesting airplane flightS!!!! I cant imagine hot sweltering train travel for days on end.