Saturday, June 06, 2009

Finger Paint

I bought some finger paints to share with our cousins in Florida over Christmas, but we never got around to using them. Soooooo, 5 1/2 months later, I finally break them out for Luis. Not surprisingly, it's a very popular activity these days. This was the first day. I'll try to get up some photos of subsequent days.

Luis takes approximately 4.5 minutes to "complete" a work - a bit longer if I indulge him by giving him several refills on paint. He likes to finger paint for about 30 minutes at a time. You don't have to actually do the math to realize that we are producing A LOT of finger paint projects. If anyone would like an original, I'd be happy to put one in the mail.


Jules said...

ooooh, considering he'll continue producing at an amazing rate, maybe bind it up and have luis self publish his first art book? Using it as gift wrap would also make a gift EXTRA special.

Unknown said...

I'll have a series of "blankie-inspired" fingerpaintings :D