Friday, March 28, 2008

Luis - 15 Months (and one week)

It seems it's been a while since I've updated on Luis. He hit 15 months last week. His current stats are 31" tall and 26 1/2 pounds (those are both measured at home). I guess his biggest change/growth/accomplishment is his ability to pitch a fit. As he gets older and more cognizant of his likes and wants (and dislikes), he's also becoming more vocal about them. For instance, Luis likes to walk around with the plastic pitcher the Gardener uses to water the indoor plants. All was well & good until Luis figured out that when Viakram uses it, there is water inside but when Luis uses it, there is none. Upon discovering this, Luis THREW the pitcher on the floor, started crying and walking backwards until he eventually stumbled and fell backwards onto the floor. Then he really had something to cry about. Backing up and falling over backwards are two of Luis's main reactions to being upset or disappointed. Luis has figured out how to open the sliding glass doors that lead out to the balcony. Unlike some of his other accomplishments, he doesn't gloat and glee over this. Instead, he stealthily slips out the door and then hides on the balcony. He loves this game. So now, we often keep the door shut to the small room (which leads to the balcony).

Luis has started carrying things around. He's been carrying the broom for a long time, but he was actually using it to sweep. The last couple of days, we've been playing in his room before his morning nap. He'll reach in between the slats of his crib and pull out the blanket that Liz made. Luis also has this plastic snail that plays music (I swear, there are 50 songs in there!). He has long loved to hear the songs. A couple of weeks ago, he mastered pushing the button to make it play himself. Now, he takes the snail for a walk, pulling it behind him with the little string (thank goodness for marble floors).

And speaking of music, he loves it. He's figured out where the stereo is in the living room. When he wants to hear some tunes, he points at it and won't budge until you put the music on. Then, he likes to dance. Several mornings a week, we have a family dance party with Diego. Luis likes both being held and dancing (that means lots of spinning and bouncing and rocking) and standing and doing his own little bounce. As Diego said this morning, Watching Luis dance - never not funny.

Luis still doesn't really have any words (that I know of). But he is quick to tell you what the crow says (Awwww Awwww). And he has almost as many tricks as Ashley (and some of the same ones). He shakes hands, waves ta-ta, waves Hi (a different kind of wave), blows kisses, and gives the "Salaam" salute. He is usually good about delivering items upon request (Luis, please give Diego his wallet). And this morning, when I told him we had to stop playing with the broom because it was time for breakfast, he took the broom over the corner to put it away before coming out to his high chair. YEAH!! He still loves books and will pull them into the crib at the end of nap time (if I leave them on the bedside table). The pool is still very popular, as is bath time. With both, when the time comes to turn off the water, well, let's just say that it doesn't make Luis happy.

Luis has started to climb and scale things. He had a week or two (about a month ago) where he liked to climb onto the little table in his room. That passed and I breathed a sigh of relief. But this week, he's tried to figure out how to climb up onto his bookshelf and he's tried to use his Little People barn as a step ladder (though I have no idea what he was reaching for - it was alone in the middle of the floor). Once this week, trying to reach his pacifier which was in the crib, he held onto the slats of the crib and sort of jumped up.

I am a bit shocked (though happy) - Luis is still sleeping 16-17 hours in a 24-hour period; twelve hours at night and two naps. He's always been a kid who likes to sleep... Which is what he's doing now!

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