Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What We've Been Up To - Ten Days in Pictures

Luis enjoys the garden in front of our building, playing on the swing and the slide. He also is quite happy to just walk & run around. Usually, I'm throwing the frisbee for Ashley, so it's a bit of an obstacle course for everyone.
Shabina & Luis play in the kitchen every day while Shabina makes dinner. She bought Luis his own little chipati maker set (the rolling pin and round "stool" onto which they are rolled). He likes it, but still prefers Shabina's set.

Luis likes to go swimming. As the temperatures are heating up here, Luis spends a lot of time in his pool on the balcony - somedays taking as many as 3 dips per day. Since last swimming season, Luis can now crawl out of the pool, walk across the balcony, get his broom, and then get back in the pool.Parvati made Luis his own broom. To simply say that he loves it more than life itself would, in fact, be an understatement. He sweeps our apartment from morning until night.
Anwar and his family came to visit one night. His children are 9 mo and 4 (or maybe 5). It was a lot of fun to watch the kids play together.
I went back to college for one week, or so it felt. Dodie let me read a draft of his dissertation. I spent about a week learning all about Arab settlemen in and influence over East Africa in the mid- to late-nineteenthe century. Even ate pizza for breakfast one day.

Luis learned how to blink (at will).


Jules said...

He has his very own broom? Hehe. you could make a video of him sweeping and gardening so that when he´s a teenager you can remind him ALL the time about how he LOVED to sweep and garden as a baby :P

The pool looks quite inviting!!

Cara Terreri said...

These are some really good pictures and some great "snapshots" of your life in Mumbai.