Sunday, September 06, 2009

Back to School

There was actually only a week between Luis's summer session of school and the fall semester starting (and we were in SC for most of that week) - but it still felt like "Back to School" for Luis last week.

I picked up a used Elmo backpack from RECPTA (the parents group in our neighborhood) for $4. Upon initial examination, Luis declared that he didn't like it. But when he found out that there was a juice box left in one of the pockets, it was love at first, er, second sight. (He was not allowed to drink the juice box, but his love has stayed true). Besides loving Elmo, I think what he really likes is that he can carry this backpack by himself. And he has. Every day, to and from school. This is a big change as the old routine was that I carried the back pack AND I carried Luis on my shoulders. Every day, to and from school.

Here, Luis is wearing all of his favorite things - his back pack, his "tall pants", his shirt and his "water shoes". (If you check out the post on our trip to RH, you can see that he wore some part of this outfit almost every day we were there!)

1 comment:

Cara Terreri said...

Like the shoes!