Sunday, September 06, 2009

Cutting the Grass

When we were last in Atlanta, Luis had a good time using Eston's playskool lawn mower (note: at 9 months, Eston isn't actually using it yet, but generously allowed Luis to take it out for a spin). Luis would "mow" up and down the big front lawn. I coached Luis to ask Uncle Randolph (his, not mine) for "50-dollars-please". When a little lawn mower came up for sale on RECPTA, I couldn't resist. I'm glad I didn't, because this lawn mower replaced the big dump truck as the Favorite Toy.

Luis wakes up in the morning and asks to go outside to do the "lawn mowering", as he calls it. He comes home from school and asks for his lawn mower. Yesterday, Diego was using the big lawn mower to cut the grass and Luis decided to give him a hand.

Diego and I are both dreaming about the day when Luis can help out with the BIG lawnmower. Ironically, at least for now, so is Luis.

1 comment:

Jules said...

I think I saw this one coming ;)

he's a keeper!