Friday, September 25, 2009

The Dallas Monsoon Season

We've had a lot of rain in the last three weeks. Maybe not as much as Atlanta, but a lot. I think something like 13 of the last 16 days have had rain - and the first 5 of those days had heavy, heavy, heavy downpours. Luis enjoyed wearing his froggy boots to school some of the days (we walk the 3/4 of a block to and from school) and his boots and his rain coat on others.

The upside to all of the wet weather is that the temperature dropped about 20 degrees - allowing us to have the windows open. The downside is that toddlers get very stircrazy after so many days inside.
For pictures of Eston McDow and his rain gear, check here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look! It's big boy Baby Reindeer! Glad to see that the Little Boy Baby Reindeer is still in circulation as well. :-) Happy rainy days! Hope you get outside soon.