Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Visiting in Northern Virginia

We were in Northern Virginia 12/28 -12/30 for Luis's one-year check up and to do some visiting. Luis and I stayed with the Rimicci's. Luis had a lot of fun watching Matthew (10 mo) and Will (4 1/2) and trying to keep up. I had fun watching all three of them interact. In general, Luis seemed to enjoy all of the kids we saw on our trip. And it made me realize that I need to make plans to get Luis together with other kids in Mumbai.

Matthew & Luis play in the kitchen

Will gives Matthew & Luis toy pointers
Saturday afternoon, Emily and Maggie (15 mo) Poulin came over for a visit. It was a bit crazy with the four kids running around - but it was also loads of fun.

Emily, Maggie & the back of Luis's head

Luis admiring Maggie's lounging abilities

Later that evening, we went for the super-early-bird special at my favorite sushi restaurant. I don't have any pictures of the mayhem there. Let's just say it is excellent that the parent-to-child ratio was 1:1. We wouldn't have made it otherwise.

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