Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A New Baby or Nuclear War?

I can admit that I am a planner. I'm not a big fan of surprises and I like to have a plan for everything that's coming up. Diego insists I have a little German in me. :) I have done much to plan for Baby Rincon's arrival - getting the nursery together, taking care of projects around the house, early Christmas shopping, etc. But even I was a little taken aback when I went to put some groceries in the extra freezer: when I opened the door it looked more like I was planning for war than for a baby. In my attempt to stockpile food to cut down on grocery store trips in the first few weeks after the baby's arrival, I have packages of frozen pork chops, chicken breasts, & hamburger meats, 4 lbs of coffee beans, several pounds of bacon, several pounds of butter, as well as multiple containers of prepared chili, spaghetti sauce and a few casseroles. While it seems a little bit out of control right now, I am already looking forward to being able to pull meals out of the freezer and be able to produce dinner with very little effort. And with an newborn in the house, I think I will appreciate that more than I can know!

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