Saturday, December 30, 2006


Here are a few pictures from this afternoon. Diego and I are really enjoying Luis. He is settling into life nicely, and we are settling into life with Luis. He is a champion sleeper. In fact, we have to wake him for most feedings. I over slept a bit for one, letting Luis sleep 4 hours. While it's a bit difficult to wake him, Diego and I appreciate the sleep Luis allows US to get.
The first couple of days we were home, we got very few glimpses of Luis's eyes. And more often than not, he was only willing to open one eye at a time - as if whatever was going on around him was clearly not that interesting to him. But today, he has had more awake. He has such a pensive and peaceful look on his face. It is easy for me to just sit and watch him.
Ashley has been a great sport this last week, and seems to have adopted Luis into the fold already. She follows us around the house - up into the nursery for a diaper change, sits at the edge of the sofa during a feeding, lays in the living room when we're all napping. Twice now, Luis has been in another room and started fussing. Ashley comes to find me to let me know that the little guy isn't happy. It's very sweet. Of course, Ashley will like Luis a whole bunch more when he's old enough to drop food on the kitchen floor and she'll LOVE him when he's coordinated enough to through the frisbee. But all things in good time.

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