Saturday, December 02, 2006

Where does the baby go??

Alison, my sister-in-law, has been extraordinarily generous with us, and has almost single-handedly outfitted us with baby gear for the first year. She has passed down a bouncy chair, a moses-basket, a baby bjorn, an infant carrier, a bumbo seat, maternity clothes, a swing, an activity gym, and bags & bags of clothing. I've had a hard time saying how thankful I am for it all. And as the gifts have come, I've been putting everything in the nursery. The other day Diego asked, "Where does the baby go?" I took another look at the room and was a bit shocked at how much stuff we had piled in it.

Diego has finished restaining the dresser that will become the changing table, and we hope to move it up into the nursery this weekend. That will help tremendously with the organization of the room. And work on the glider chair is coming along great! I've got curtains being made. All we need now is a baby...

1 comment:

Jules said...

wow! Seems baby will be completely set up when it arrives!