Sunday, December 24, 2006

Pictures of Luis

Here are a couple of pictures of Luis and his fan club. We all continue to do well - though only one of us can be described as well-rested.

A little later today, we all head home. This is both an exciting and a daunting idea. It will be great to be home, as a family, with the four-legged kids we already have. It's a little scary to not have a full-service nursing & doctor team at the push of a button.

As we settle in some, we'll post more pictures. I want to get a few up that show his full head of dark hair, his dark-green eyes and his sweet, sweet smile.


Unknown said...

He is beautiful! Que belleza!

Cara Terreri said...

Mary, he is so precious! Looks like a sweet little angel. I hope you're getting a little more rest. I'm waiting impatiently for more pictures!

Anonymous said...

Now, Mary, we have seen the photos and red your lovely texts. Mary Looks beauti--full and joy-full. Diego holding Luis Tomás shows in the photo worlds of satisfaction and parenthood.
Luis Tomás seems to be still traveling from the world of inside to the world of ourside without noticing the changes, thanks to you.
A precious family!