Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hand-Eye Coordination

Luis has gotten a whole lot more coordinated in the last week. He uses both hands to handle a toy and passes the toy from one hand to the other. He reaches out and picks things up - and on occasion scooches himself to reach for something. Also, Luis will continue holding a toy when you pick him up (as opposed to before when he would immediately drop it). Earlier this week, he got a toy all the way from downstairs, through a diaper change and into the crib.

These days, Luis spends a lot of time on his belly. I tend to lay him down that way. But I also find that when he's on his back, he tends to roll over to his stomach. Here, Luis is doing one of his favorite exercises - push ups. He does this 100 times per day. He is working hard to build his muscles in anticipation of figuring out how to crawl.

This last series of pictures shows how he likes to rotate - a little at a time. He actually got about 270 degrees around, but I'd already put away the camera.

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