Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Zoo at the Zoo

Yesterday, Camp Bibi Croom, Luis & me, Sarah, Will & Matthew Rimicci and Maggie, Ella & Bea Gumbinner descended upon the National Zoo. After several HOT, HOT days, even the weather cooperated.

With 8 kids ranging in age from 3 mo to 6 3/4 years and only 4 adults, I was a little nervous. But EVERYONE was wonderful. All kids played nicely together and behaved beautifully.

Maggie, Franklin & Solomon have seen more than there share of animals NOT in zoos during various times in Tanzania. Never the less, Franklin's favorite site yesterday was the elephant; Will Rimicci's too. We also got good views of an orangutan, lion, tortoise, panda, and hippo.

In our group, we had 2 single strollers and 2 double strollers and usually about 3 or 4 on foot at a time. At any given point, some adult was doing a headcount to make sure we stayed a party of 12.

Bea, Luis and Matthew seemed to be more interested in watching their cousins/siblings than in watching the animals. They were very good sports.

When we stopped for lunch, Maggie G. (a Friend of the National Zoo) treated us to all the pop corn we could eat - which turned out to be a lot! We also snacked on fruits, veggies, crackers and granola bars.

By the end of the trip, everyone was tired. Will graciously shared his seat on his stroller with Maggie and Sarah graciously agreed to push them all.


DR said...

Sounds like a great time, I wish I could have been there...

Anonymous said...

Croom must be remembering her happy times as a teacher guiding field trips, but now with children of her own family.