Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Luis at Six Months

Kind of hard to believe that another month has gone by. Kind of hard to believe that Luis is 6 months. It's been a very busy and growth-filled month for Luis and me. Luis went to the pediatrician today. His new numbers are weight is 17lbs 7oz (50%), height is 27 1/2" (80%) and head circumference is 17" (30%). His percentiles are almost exactly the same as at his 4 month check up!

His skill set is much improved. In the last month, Luis learned how to roll from stomach to back and then from back to stomach. He can pick things up in one hand (instead of using both hands like a set of tongs) - and then pass the item from one hand to the other. He can put his toes in his mouth; sometimes both feed at once. Luis can get up onto his hands and knees, though he can't quite get the next step in crawling. He can push up on his arms and then scooch himself backwards.

Luis continues to sleep through the night (I hope we never go backwards on this!!), sleeping about 12 hours at night. During the day, he usually takes a short morning and late afternoon nap, with a long midday nap. We've worked up to two meals of cereal a day (choosing from rice, barley or oatmeal). And tonight, I steamed and pureed my first batch of carrots. I'll let you know what Luis thinks of them. Each night after dinner, I give Luis a sippy cup of water. He usually gets a couple of sips each night, though I don't think he knows how that happens.
Overall, Luis is still a sweet, sweet baby. He rarely fusses and is quick to flash his grin. He giggles at silly sounds and silly faces and when you squeeze the ticklish spot on his thigh. About once a day, he'll give a little gnaw on my jaw bone - a prelude to a wet, sloppy, baby kiss?
July is going to be a busy month for Luis and I. The first week, he and I are joining Dodie and his family on a ~ 650 mile road trip with stops in Rock Hill to see the McDow family and then in Atlanta to visit Randoph & Lauren and Grandfather. Mom will be there too - allowing for a family celebration for her birthday. Luis and I opted to fly home rather than take the ~12 hour ride home in the mini-van. Juliana, Diego's sister is coming up in the middle part of the month. She's here to visit with Luis (the only Rincon who has not yet met him) and to help me with moving stuff. The movers are coming the second week to pack up and take away the things that are going to Mumbai. Then, I have 3 weeks to get the rest of the stuff out of the house so that our renters can move in on August 1. And in those three weeks, Luis and I are flying to Indiana with Thomas to visit some of his mother's family. I'm exhausted and it's still June. Diego and I are targeting mid-August for our family move to Mumbai. It will be here before we know it!

1 comment:

DR said...

I miss both of you terribly....