Friday, June 08, 2007

Johnny Jumper Swing

For several weeks now, Luis has really enjoyed the kicking game. It's quite simple, really. Luis just kicks and kicks and kicks. He plays it in the tub, when he's in the baby gym, when he's in his car seat, and seems to especially enjoy it when he's sitting on my lap and can kick me in the chest or stomach. Last week, I pulled out the Johhny Jumper Swing (thanks Alison!!). The first couple of times I put him in it, he was not so impressed. Mostly he sat there and looked around. Oh, and kept his feet from touching the floor.

But now, he's getting into the swing of things a bit. He still doesn't really JUMP, but he's a little more mobile each time he's in it. And he mostly keeps his feet on the ground.

1 comment:

Jules said...

wow. it seems yesterday he was swaddled in blankets and was going home for the first time.