Thursday, August 09, 2007

Another Milestone

So first, I have to say that this picture is a re-creation of an actual event. Yesterday morning, when I went in to get Luis up from his morning nap, I found him standing up in the pack n play. He was SO pleased with himself he was grinning from ear to ear. I have to admit that I was pretty pleased, too! Later in the day, I brought my camera down to the basement (where we are staying at Mom's) and staged this picture. Obviously, Luis is a whole lot less pleased at this moment.

Luis has the standing-up-in-the-crib thing down pat. He has been standing, peering over the side a couple times since. Always, he thinks it's very cool (or at least all of the times that he does it himself).

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1 comment:

Luis Hernán Rincón Rincón said...

Mercedes an I keep being amazed at the things both of you do day after day! Both of you discover daily, Luis what to do and you the little things bringing you true happiness, that is,the feeling of plenitude coming to you from the joy or sense of acomplishent Luis shows as a consequence of his growth and of what you have done.