Thursday, August 09, 2007

Which Toy Do I Want?

With Luis's new mobility and agility, he can go almost anywhere he wants (that is not more than 26" off the ground). He spends an hour at a stretch crawling across the room, pulling up on everything he can find, investigating toys (and things that he thinks could be toys but aren't) and putting as many objects into his mouth as he can. Here, he has crawled over to the toy box and pulling out things to play with, chew on and discard. He sat there for about 20 minutes.
Yesterday, it was almost time for him to nap, but he was showing no signs of being tired. I put him at the bottom of the stairs. He climbed the entire flight with no assistance (other than a hand to make sure he didn't topple over backwards). I took him to the bottom and he climbed it again. Luis was definitely breathing hard by the time he was done. And he went down quickly for his nap!

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HOLA; Para mi es muy lindo ver cada progreso del nieto cariñoso e inteligente que es Luis Tomás, a díario le vemos progresar gracias a los mensajes que Mary envía, gracias por ello. Un abrazo muy fuerte. Mercedes.