Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Life at the Rimicci's - Take Two

On our way out of town, Diego, Luis, Ashley and I spent two nights at Sarah's (though she was only there for one of them). It was a bit chaotic, but I love being with the Rimicci's: they are so generous with their love and their friendship that it fills my heart to be with them.

There are about 1o weeks between Matthew and Luis. For most of Matthew's 5 months, it's felt like a big difference. But as Luis and Matthew ate dinner together on Saturday night, they seemed a lot closer in age.

On Sunday, JF and RC came over to help us get our luggage out to Dulles. While waiting (very patiently) for us to finish stuffing things into bags, JF & RC got coerced into playing a game of Hullabaloo with Will. It's in the same game family as Twister, but made by the people who make Cranium. I didn't actually see the game in action, but both Sarah and Diego howled with laughter as they watched Will, RC and JF. I'm sorry I missed it.


JF said...

Great shot of my bald spot. Thanks a ton.

Jules said...

That game looks like fun. and if it counts for anything, I didn´t notice any bald spot :D

Unknown said...

Nope, until you mentioned it.
You should have mentioned your bulging biceps and toned tush!