Saturday, September 15, 2007

At Last, It Feels Like Home

The delivery guys came yesterday with all of the things I love (possessions, not people) packed into 92 boxes. There was some confusion, at first, over whether or not they would be able to use the lift to bring everything up (3 weeks, and I'm already using words like "lift"!). I could see the panic in the mover-guys's faces: 92 boxes up seven flights of stairs. Luckily, that was sorted out fairly quickly. It only took them 5 hours to bring it all up, un-pack it all, and take away all of the boxes, paper and trash. Granted, Pauline and I did quite a bit of unpacking as well.

The living room is the room that looks the most different. Previously, there was only the blue & gold divan in it. Now, we've got couches, and armchair, two ottomans, a coffee table and a bunch of side tables. It's fabulous. It's comfortable. Best of all, it feels like home to me.

This picture is taken with my back to the windows, looking towards Luis's room. The dining room area would be to my right. You can see two doors: the one to the left leads to Luis's room and the one kind of straight on leads to a small nameless and currently function-less room that then leads to the patio. Just beyond the picture frame to the right is the front door.

Here, I am basically 180-degrees around the room; I have my back to the doors you see in the first photo. You can see the windows that look out over the water. The curtains to the left are the new ones. I plan to do the same curtains in the "living room" - as soon as more of the white ones come in. You can also see here the proximity of the dining area to the living area. (And, you can see where the pieces of Luis's crib were stacked up prior to assembly.)

The third picture doesn't really give any new vantage point of the room. It just shows how Luis has already started to do some serious furniture cruising - now that there is furniture to cruise.

We have not hung anything on the wall. The walls are all brick (I think, CMU, actually) under the drywall, so it won't be so easy to hang. We want to make sure that we are set with the furniture arrangement before we start putting holes in the walls.

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