Saturday, September 15, 2007

Luis & His Crib - Reunited Again!

Today, Diego and I re-assembled the crib with only a swiss-army knife. You bet that we are both very proud of that fact.

I am thrilled to have the crib back. After two months without it, Luis, I am sure, doesn't remember it. We put him in it for a bit this afternoon (with some stuffed animals) to see what he thought. He loved it. When I took him out of it to play with other toys he cried.

I've just put him down for the night. I'm a little nervous that the novelty of the crib is going to make sleeping difficult. I also foresee the pacify slipping out between the slats. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

cue in McGyver theme music on opening credits.